WP6 – Dissemination, Exploitation, and Communication

WP6 feeds and coordinates communication and dissemination activities and oversees and supports all exploitation and IP-related matters. WP6 includes 4 tasks.

The objectives include:

  1. Develop a Communication and Dissemination Strategy: Formulate a strategy to effectively communicate the project’s objectives, progress, and results.

  2. Provide High-Quality Communication Materials: Ensure the consortium and stakeholders have access to well-crafted communication tools.
  3. Disseminate and Communicate SOS Water: Promote the project widely to various audiences.
  4. Support Exploitation Planning and Sustainable Impact: Ensure the project’s results are utilized effectively and sustainably.

Explanatory video for Work Package 6 with (former) WP-leader Nicole Schmidt from Eutema Research Services in Vienna, Austria

Task 6.1: Communication Strategy and Planning (M1-M48)

  • Lead: EUTEMA-RS
  • Participants: All partners
  • Description: This task involves the continuous updating and refinement of the project’s dissemination and communication strategy and plan throughout its duration. IIASA will provide strategic leadership, and EUTEMA-RS will contribute its experience in communication and dissemination, serving as editor and facilitator. Initially, EUTEMA-RS, with support from IIASA and all partners, will detail and refine the Dissemination and Exploitation Plan (DEP), outlining all communication and dissemination activities for the project. The plan will be validated by the General Assembly, and all partners will be involved in preparing communication materials and participating in dissemination events. The DEP will then be implemented, coordinated by EUTEMA-RS with support from IIASA and WP Leaders. The outcomes feed Deliverable D6.1.


Task 6.2: Communication Tools & Materials (M1-M48)

  • Lead: EUTEMA-RS

  • Participants: All partners
  • Description: This task delivers the dissemination and communication tools and materials, including the project’s visual identity (logo, formats, templates), communication tools (social media accounts on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, leaflets, posters), and the public SOS Water website. EUTEMA-RS will lead the editorial efforts for all print and online media, with support from external media and web designers if required. IIASA will ensure quality assurance and provide technical advice. All partners will provide feedback, access to their communication channels, and content for these tools. The outcomes feed Deliverable D6.2.


Task 6.3: Dissemination and Communication of Results (M1-M48)

  • Lead: IIASA

  • Participants: All partners
  • Description: Following the dissemination plan setup, this task organizes and carries out dissemination activities, including:
    • Preparation of peer-reviewed publications and participation in scientific conferences and relevant stakeholder events.
    • Ensuring open access and archiving of publications.
    • Distribution of policy briefs, e-newsletters, and white papers/policy recommendations to promote SOS Water results.
    • Presentations, panel discussions, and poster sessions at SOS Water events.
    • Dissemination to the general public via press releases, social media, and the public website.
    • A special focus will be on disseminating results to Regulators and the EC. IIASA, assisted by EUTEMA-RS, will coordinate this task to ensure coherence with other tasks and the DEP. The outcomes feed Deliverable D6.3. A concise summary of scientific results will be provided in a Policy Brief (Deliverable D6.5).


Task 6.4: Exploitation and Sustainability of SOS Water Results (M1-M48)


  • Participants: All partners
  • Description: This task involves road mapping, exploitation, and sustainability planning for SOS Water, including final exploitation plans of project outputs. IIASA will document the Intellectual Property generated by the project and advise partners on proper handling. This includes:
    • Raising awareness of IPR rules stipulated in the Consortium Agreement and the EC Grant Agreement.
    • Ensuring dissemination activities comply with the agreed publication policy.
    • Advising partners on proper handling of Intellectual Property related to project results.
    • The outcomes feed Deliverable D6.4.